Provide health professionals with a simple way to monitor patients remotely
Preventive Medicine
Enable ongoing and non-invasive tracking of a person’s stress levels, vital signs and biomarkers
Facilitate the shift from reactive to proactive and preventive healthcare
- Allow medical staff to identify patient health issues ahead of time
- Empower patients to stay on top of their own wellbeing
- Reduce the costs of healthcare
- Extend the outreach of healthcare services
Virtual Trials
Enhance participant diversity and data collection with spot or continuous remote monitoring
With, trial monitoring becomes virtual, scalable, and more efficient. Easily enhance your observations on more subjects, at faster rates and at lower costs
- Profile trial participants faster
- Eliminate the need for patients to make physical trips to the clinic to measure vital signs
- Remotely receive real-time measurements at the frequency of your choice
- Widen the pool of participants for clinical trials
Remote Patient Monitoring
Help speed up post-operative and post-hospitalization recovery by providing healthcare teams with remote, real-time assessment capabilities
Comfortable and convenient – discharge patients and enable them to track and share vitals regularly or continuously from wherever they are
- Allow patients to recover faster from home
- Quickly detect and respond to falls
- Reduce the strain on medical facilities
- Support patients with low mobility
Elderly Care
Empower senior members and their caregivers to monitor health data with real-time spot or continuous checks from anywhere.
Enable video-based spot checks from mobile devices in 35 seconds an PPG sensor-based continuous checks:
- Provide seniors and their caregivers with peace of mind
- Enable data to be shared with relevant stakeholders to reduce siloed care
- Quickly detect and respond to falls
- Support seniors in easily measuring and tracking health data
Easily monitor a wide range of vital signs and blood tests in just 60 seconds with spot or continuous checks
- Monitor vitals after a patient leaves hospital
- Enhance remote diagnostic abilities
- Easily track granular data on patient welfare over time
- Empower patients to identify health concerns ahead of time